Monday, May 3, 2010

If only I had a Fishin' Pole

I survived the rain, and I didn't even have to get out the boat. If you watched the 136the running of the Kentucky Derby then you saw that Kentucky was getting hit with some wet weather, to put it mildly. Well, that wet weather decided to hang around all weekend.

I didn't realize how much water we had received until I went out last night to return a movie. my normal 15 minute route into town ended up being a detoured route of an hour. Low bridges were impassible because of high water, and even places where there wasn't a stream, or a creek there was high water covering the road. the pasture in front of my house had become a lake and the dried up and filled in well next to my house was full. Not to mention the old root cellar near my house was full of water. I am glad there wasn't a tornado or I would have had no where to go.

This morning's drive in was a little better. I did have to take some detours to work because the water hadn't completely receded but everything seems to be getting back to normal.

And normal for me means weed eating. Yeah!!! I actually saw the grass grow this weekend, not a happy sight.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Rainy Weekend

Saturday and Sunday the heavens decided to open up in the afternoon, and not just a light drizzle. If I stood outside with my head back and mouth open I would have drown within a few minutes. The rain hasn't stopped yet; convincing the animals to go out this morning was interesting and exhausting. Let's just say I won three out of four. The minute the sun peeks out from behind the clouds my lawn is going to bust out and be a jungle. I will need a machete to get to the front door. At least I have had a reprieve from the weedeater for a few days. The rain this weekend did make the Rolex Kentucky 3 Day Event interesting. I have more to come on that subject, along with my day at Keeneland.

With Spring comes spring cleaning. I am thinking that I am going to have a garage sale, instead of taking everything to Goodwill. What I don't sell will go to Goodwill, but it would be nice to make a little money off of my, at one time desperately needed, stuff.

Friday, April 16, 2010


One of the benefits of living on a horse farm in Kentucky are my Neigh-bors.

*(I couldn’t resist the pun.)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Let the Projects Begin

Wow, what a weekend. I was surprisingly productive even though I didn’t get started until after 2 each day. Apparently I needed to convince myself to start my projects that I wanted to accomplish.

Looking back I did get a lot done. I painted my once white rocking chairs to a vibrant red, planted a few chill hardy flowers, scrubbed one side on my house, cleaned off the porch, watered my parched plants, and of course the ever present...weedeating; a never-ending project. I also did some window shopping at two of my favorite stores, the Peddlers Mall in Georgetown and Lowe’s. I got some great inspriration for new projects. I am so glad it doesn’t get dark until almost 9pm or I would never get what I need to do done.

Since I am sure everyone is dying to understand why I painted my rocking chairs red, here is the simple answer. They sit next to a white wall and are visually boring. I wanted contrast, which seems to be my theme this spring; bright, bold, contrasting colors. Plus, the white paint was chipping.

I am ticking a lot of projects off of my to-do list. One of the big ones is the backyard fence. I stained my picket fence a dark mahogany and painted my chain link gate black. The backyard now ties in with the horse farm fencing completely surrounding me.

I have a few big projects still looming in front of me; like painting an existing table for outside use. I just haven’t decided what color to paint it, but I guarantee it is going to bold and colorful. I also have to till my vegetable garden...again. I have some very persistent grass and dandelions that won’t go away. Grrrrr!!!! I would also like to make window boxes for the front of my house. Normally this would be an easy project but there is metal over the wood, making it almost impossible to hang window boxes. I am thinking that I could make a standing window box. Problem: Dad and Casey are the engineers in the family, they live in a fw hundred miles away. I am the free flow artist…I don’t like to measure, which doesn't work to well when you are tryinig to get the correct height and width.

All these projects, plus some smaller ones, has got my mind whirling. These don’t include what I need to do in the house…notice I didn’t say want I “want”, but what I “need”. I would rather be outside getting dirty. Goodwill is going to get a big donation from me. Right now I am at the point of making a bigger mess trying to decide what to give away. I really need a professional to come help me break some ties.

Rain or shine, this evening is designated to the destruction, um…I mean, cleaning of my home. Wish me luck. I would rather be outside.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Photoshop Elements...the New Frontier...for Me

As I sit inside watching the snow fall I have been teaching myself how to work with my Photoshop Elements to help get my photos pop off the page. I was a lost cause at first, I don't like to read directions, especially when it is a novel full of words that don't make sense. "AHHHHHH...," CB screams as she goes running from the room pulling her hair out.

My main source of help have been my friends in the company's graphics department. They have been patient when my confused face makes an appearance at their door, and wonderful at answering my questions so that I even understand what to do. They understood my frustration. Their tips got my feet wet, from there I dove into the kiddie pool playing with PSE. At first I had some minor success and I was getting more comfortable with the program. Soon I felt confident, maybe falsely, to stride forward and discover more ways to play with my photos.

Straight out of the Camera

One of the blogs I read, The Pioneer Woman, has photography and Photoshop tutorials, which helped me understand further how I had to develop layers and how each layer became a compsite of the whole. Then I found a blog, CoffeeShop Photography, with more tutorials and free downloadable actions for PSE. Their actions are awesome!

Color Enhancement following PW tutorials

I still have a ways to go. I am enjoying sharing my photos with friends and family. My little point and shoot is doing a wonderful job.

CoffeeShop's Classic BW & Bittersweet Vintage

I can't wait to learn some more.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It is Warm under the House

It’s Wednesday and everyone was up and at’em this morning with very little coaxing. Actually, they were just waiting for me; I think was the one hold out. It snowed last night, again, but we only got a dusting…and it is still snowing. I must say I am enjoying this winter. Snow all the time, my childhood dreams come true.

I went out of town last weekend and a friend stayed at my house with the animals. George decided she wanted to go out with the other cats, which is weird in itself, because she doesn’t like the cold or the snow, so she hibernates most of the winter. Well, she went out and decided she didn’t like…surprise, surprise… the cold and the snow so she went under the house with Jackson and Alec. One problem…to get out she would have to jump up about three feet. George isn’t able to jump very high, she normally uses her claws to climb up the bed, couch or my lap. She wasn’t able to get out and I wasn’t able to get under the house upon my return from out of town.

I set up a ramp for her to climb out with a bowl of tuna at the top to entice her to climb. No luck…she was warm and she didn’t want to get out in the cold and snow again.

She stayed under the house for a couple of days, while I was trying to bribe friends to lend me there small children to send through the small opening to retrieve my wayward cat.

Last night, as I was trying to call George out one more time before I went to bed my flashlight swept over what appeared to be another opening. Then I recalled there was a semi door to the crawl space. Normally it is hidden from view and I never have used it, I had forgotten all about it. I went over to the door, knocked it around a bit…it was frozen due to all of our snow…and was able to open the hatch. I ended up laying on my stomach with half of my body under the house and half of me in the opening and my legs sticking up in the air calling for George who wanted nothing to do with me. All the coaxing in the world would not make her budge. That all changed once I realized that shining the flashlight straight at her was blinding her. Smart Courtney!

George came out, a little hungrier and a lot dirtier, but no worse for the wear. Me, on the other hand, was covered in snow and lots of mud, and something in my hair that I don’t want to think too much about or I will get the hibbie jebbies.

Once I got George in the house she immediately chased the dogs and took over her regular spot. Even though she hasn’t voiced her appreciation, I know she is happy that I crawled down there for her. The things we do for our animals.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Waiting for Snow...

Tonight the weathermen have predicted another few inches of snow here in Central Kentucky. And....don't tell anyone but I am looking forward to it's arrival. The chance to build snowmen, make snow angels, have snow ball fights, and best of all, getting all cozy on the couch with a good book and not feeling any guilt. I could choose a new book or reread one of my favorites, Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. So many choices!!!

Kody is really looking forward to the change in the weather, but for other reasons. Being built for the cold climates he eagerly awaits any freezing weather, he especially loves snow. Christmas Eve this year we were visiting my parents near Oklahoma City when what we affectionately call the Blizzard of '09 hit. The wind was blowing hard and snow was falling fast. I was inside enjoying a toasty house. Kody was outside sniffing the air and refusing to come in.

He was in hog heaven!

Snow! What could be better than snow!?!

I can think of a lot of things, but during the winter I agree with Kody's sentiments.

Let the snow begin.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Silver SUV

Have you ever realized how many silver SUV's are on the road? I didn't...until I owned one. I love my Envoy and I love the color, silver. But it seems a lot of other people like silver also. To help me identify my vehicle, or Alice as I call her, I put snowflake window stickers on the rear window. When it is spring I will change my vehicle identification (hopefully). :)

Tonight I came out of the store walked up to the front of Alice, hit the unlock button and lifted the handle. But the door didn't open. I clicked the unlock button again...nothing. Then I looked up and noticed the windows were tinted. My windows aren't tinted. That's when it dawned on me...WRONG CAR! Oops!!! I looked around and clicked again. Alice was behind me a few spaces. Oh well, I knew it was going to happen one day.

Monday, January 11, 2010

On a Cold & Snowy Day

On a cold and snowy day I decided to start this blog. I wrote a gardening blog last year as I started a vegetable garden for the first time. Seeing as how it is winter my gardening blog is dormant, I thought I would start this one. This will be a place for my musings, strange adventures and wild mishaps.

Who knows what is going to happen, I sure don't. I am trying to treat each day as a new adventure, sometimes they are laugh out loud funny and other times they are a bit tedious. My animals will have starring roles as they tend to be the reason for most of my mishaps.

Today my wild adventure is house cleaning, something that I put off for too long. There is one website that I always go to for cleaning guidance, FlyLady. I am heading there right now.

Thank you reading this and I hope you enjoy.