Friday, February 5, 2010

Waiting for Snow...

Tonight the weathermen have predicted another few inches of snow here in Central Kentucky. And....don't tell anyone but I am looking forward to it's arrival. The chance to build snowmen, make snow angels, have snow ball fights, and best of all, getting all cozy on the couch with a good book and not feeling any guilt. I could choose a new book or reread one of my favorites, Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. So many choices!!!

Kody is really looking forward to the change in the weather, but for other reasons. Being built for the cold climates he eagerly awaits any freezing weather, he especially loves snow. Christmas Eve this year we were visiting my parents near Oklahoma City when what we affectionately call the Blizzard of '09 hit. The wind was blowing hard and snow was falling fast. I was inside enjoying a toasty house. Kody was outside sniffing the air and refusing to come in.

He was in hog heaven!

Snow! What could be better than snow!?!

I can think of a lot of things, but during the winter I agree with Kody's sentiments.

Let the snow begin.

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